Wednesday 20 July 2016

Writing Literature Review (Chapter 2)

Literature Review is the most important part in a sense that if you get it right, the rest of the research can be completed without any problem. I suggest that whenever, you select the topic, start the literature review first and then later, write the chapter 1. In literature review, you should describe, summarize, evaluate, and clarify the previous studies. Here, you must provide a good list of previous studies which are relevant to your study. For example, if your topic is the effects of social media marketing on the brand image' so your headings will be like this.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Social Media Marketing
Brand Image
Relationship between the social media marketing and the brand image
Hypothesis and Theoretical Framework
Chapter Summary
As you can see that first you describe the first component of your topic, then the second, and then you refers to their relationship. In other words, first you explain the social media marketing which is first construct of your study. Secondly, you explain the brand image which is the second construct of your study. Then, you will provide previous studies which also studied the same relationships.
After that, you will develop hypothesis and the theoretical framework. The hypothesis should be in line with the research question and the research objectives. For example,
H1= The Social Media Marketing has significant effects on the Brand Image
A general tip is that you can search some previous studies where you will find a lot of similar material which you can use by paraphrasing. Kindly look at the pictures attached for some clarification.

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