Wednesday 20 July 2016

Writing the Introduction and Background (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 is the first chapter or part of your main research project. Normally, there are different headings. Names and brief details of these headings are as under.
Chapter 1:
Broad Problem Area
Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Chapter Summary
In introduction, you start with some general idea and gradually you narrow it down to your own topic. You introduced the topic briefly. Introduction section can be only few paragraphs.
Background is one of the difficult part. My suggestion is that first you do a good literature review, then you can write a good background. In background section, you write the background information. Actually, here you write the summarized form of what the previous researchers are done in the specific area of your topic. Further, here you also point towards the literature gap.
Broad Problem Area:
Here you mention that what is the key problem which this study wants to answer. it can be some genuine organizational problem and even it can be some literature gap which exist.
Statement of the Problem:
Here you write the key statement of the problem which the study wants to investigate.
Objectives of the Study: You set the milestones which your study wants to achieve. The objectives should be directly derived from your topic. Example of the objective can be 'to see the effects of social media marketing on the brand image". Sometimes, here, research question is also mentioned. The research question should be matching with the research topic.
Significance of the Study:
Here you write the importance of your study and its capability to bring the solution to the original problem identified earlier.
Scope of the Study:
Here, you write the limitations or the overall scope of the study. it means you are setting the boundary of your study.
Chapter Summary:
You can write a brief summary of the chapter, just a few lines.

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