Wednesday 20 July 2016

Topic Selection and General Guidelines

Research refers to the organized and systematic way of finding answers to the questions or solution of problems. Generally, as part of most university level degree program, you are required to submit a research project report by the end of your degree. Without submitting a satisfactorily report, you are unable to clear this requirement and subsequently, unable to get the degree. 

'Well Begin is half done'. Same is true for Research as if you select the right topic, you can get complete the research easily; while, a wrong selection may lead you nowhere and the resulting frustration, time waste, and exhaustion is obvious. So how can you select the right topic?

Well, we suggest that you look at few things;

First of all, you select a broad area and keep narrowing down until you get to some manageable topic. A good point to start is looking at the related journals and the available thesis on the internet through google search.
Also, the topic which you select should be realistic, match with your capabilities, university requirements, and the time and financial resources you have. You do not need to be too much ambitious or over confident to select a difficult topic which you can take till end.
We are giving some broad areas in few fields which we are expert in. Take this as an example and also look at the attached pictures that how we search the related material over internet.
Areas Related to the Management:
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Organizational Justice
Employee Creativity
Organizational Culture
Green Management
Electronic Management

Areas Related to the HRM:
High Performance Work System
Green HRM
Ethics and HRM
International HRM
Diversity Management
Areas Related to the Marketing:
Customer Relationship Management
Service Quality
Guerilla Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Cause Marketing
Event Marketing

Finance and Banking Related Areas:
Online Banking
Working Capital Management
Portfolio Management
Financial Markets

International Business and Management Related Areas:
Culture and Institutional Framework
Cross-Cultural Management
Multinational Corporations Practices
Globalization and Rationalization

Engineering Management Related Areas:
Total Quality Management
ISO in Manufacturing and Services
Six Sigma

Public Health Related Areas:
Hospital Management
Public Awareness and Communication

Thanks (Have a look at the pictures for basic idea)

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