Wednesday 20 July 2016

Writing Methodology Section (Chapter 3)

Here you write the methodology of your full chapter. Generally, it include the following headings
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Research Paradigm
Research Design and Method
Population and Sampling Issues
Research Tools
Pilot Study
Data Collection
Reliability and Validity Issues
Ethical Considerations
Chapter Summary
Research paradigm:
Here you refers to some key research paradigm such as positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, Advocacy, etc. Then, you can explain what is the main paradigm you as a researcher following and why. Mostly, quantitative nature studies are based on the postivism paradigm and the qualitative nature studies are based on the constructivism paradigm. However, there can be other paradigm depending on the situation
Research Design and Method:
Here you specification mention that what type of design you are following for example explanatory, exploratory, descriptive, etc. Further, you also links it with your research method which can be quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method depending on your research situation.
Population and Sampling Issues:
Here you mention what is your total population and what type of sampling technique your are adopting for example the random versus non-random. Probability sampling includes random sampling, stratified sampling, multi-stage sampling while non-probability sampling includes convenient and judgmental sampling.
Research Tools:
Here you mention how you are going to collect the data. It can be based on survey, interview, observations, or some secondary sources.
Pilot Study:
It is good to conduct a small level of data collection before embarking on large scale data collection. You can write little details as how you conducted the pilot study, on whom, and what were the responses. The pilot study is also used to improve the research tool such as survey by early identification of problems.
Data Collection:
Here you explain the process of data collection and related aspects such as location, time, people involved, permissions, organization etc.
Reliability and Validity issues:
A bit technical part, You need to explain how you established the reliability and validity of your study. For example, if you are conducting the study through survey, then you explain how you ensured these aspects. For reliability, mostly, you can conduct the Cronbach alpha test through general software; while, reliability can be established by showing it to some experts, comparing it with the literature, and some quantitative techniques such as confirmatory factor analysis.
Ethical Considerations:
Here you mention that what steps you taken to ensure the ethical requirements. Remember that there are some general ethical requirements and additionally, every university have their own ethical requirements. You must consult the related documents. Generally, here you mention things such as no harm to the respondents, their privacy, use of information for only the study purpose, and so on.
Chapter Summary:
Here you only summarize the chapter briefly.

(Have a look at the pictures for some clarification)

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